Oahu Island Field Trip 5/12/17
Field Trip on 12-16-16
Mass Evacuation Drill 11/30/16
Dominos Night-Thursday
Science Testing next week
HSA Science Testing
Week of Nov. 7-11, 2016
Harvest Fest Tonight
Fall Intersession Assignments

Sight Is Beautiful
Fall Intersession
Parent-Teacher Conference Confirmations
Oahu Island Tour-May 25th
Waimea Valley Activity
Important Information
Dear Parents,
On Wednesday, May 25, 2016, our 4th grade classes will be visiting Waimea Valley to participate in the Ahupua’a-Mountain to the Sea school program. In the program Ahupua’a—Mountain to the Sea, students learn about life in an ahupua’a through fun, hands-on activities that focus on resource management and native Hawaiian plants and their cultural uses. Students are introduced to the ahupua’a of Waimea through a creative game that helps students identify the various native species that live here. As part of their activities, students also learn to identify many Hawaiian plants and discover their cultural uses. In addition, students participate in making a Hawaiian tool and learn the value of taking care of resources.
The entire field trip will take place outdoors and we will be doing a lot of walking, digging, observing, and enjoying the natural wonders of Waimea Valley.
On the day of the field trip, please send your child with a full lunch and drink (avoid plastic storage containers). Other suggestions to help ensure your child has an enjoyable day would be to send your child to school on time and by making sure your child has the following (please be sure to label everything with your child’s name):
- Raingear (i.e., rain jackets or ponchos)
- A cap or hat
- Clothing that can get dirty
- A change of clothes & footwear in a large plastic bag
- Closed-toe shoes (no slippers or crocs) that can get muddy
- Sunscreen & Mosquito repellant (applied at home)
- Disposable cameras (optional)
We look forward to a day filled with fun and discoveries in the great outdoors. Please call the school or Waimea Valley (638-5859) if you have any questions about the field trip.